Promoting Affordable Birth Control in Slovakia
On September 25, the Center and its Slovak partners organized a seminar in Bratislava, Slovakia on the affordability of birth control.
Many Slovak women are unable to get birth control because of its high cost. The seminar is part of a larger effort by the Center, ProChoice Slovakia, and Citizen and Democracy to get the Slovak government to subsidize birth control for the country’s most vulnerable women.
Ximena Andión, the Center’s international advocacy director, and Iustina Ionescu, the legal fellow for Europe, discussed international human rights standards on access to birth control.
The Center also released a series of factsheets describing Slovakia’s obligations to ensure access to contraception under both international and European human rights standards.
Download the factsheets to learn more:
Slovakia: European Standards on Subsidizing Contraceptives >,
Slovakia: International Standards on Subsidizing Contraceptives >,
Slovakia: Setting the Record Straight on Contraceptives >,