Mary E. Rubin
Mary E. Rubin has devoted her career to the not-for-profit and philanthropic sectors. She currently serves on the Executive Committee for City Harvest. She is President of the Borrego Foundation, and serves as a trustee for the Essel Foundation. She has served as Board Chair for the Eastern New York Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, and as Vice Chair of the Housing Action Council. In 2009, she completed an 8-year term on the Board of Directors for Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, where she served as Chair of the Fundraising Committee, and as a member of the Executive, Budget and Finance, Investment Advisory, and CEO Search Committees. Mary serves as a trustee on the board of a brain research institute at the Johns Hopkins University. She is also a board member of the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. Previously, she was a program officer at the Rockefeller Foundation, a policy analyst for the City of New York, and a research associate for the Russell Sage Foundation. Ms. Rubin holds a B.A. in History from Swarthmore College, and a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School, where she was a Kennedy Fellow. (New York, NY)