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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe – pushing healthcare systems to their limits and compelling governments and healthcare institutions to make difficult and increasingly urgent decisions about how to deliver care [...]

Abortion, COVID-19, Access to Quality Care,Reporting on Rights,News

New Law Legalizes Abortion in Northern Ireland

Abortion will soon be legal in Northern Ireland after the adoption of new regulations by the United Kingdom on March 25 that allow women access to abortion on request up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The [...]

Abortion,Europe, Northern Ireland,Reporting on Rights,News

Anti-abortion Lawmakers Try—and Fail—to Co-opt Emergency Covid-19 Relief Package

Anti-abortion members of Congress again chose to play politics with women’s health care—this time by trying to hold up critical emergency funding for Covid-19 relief to expand the reach of the Hyde Amendment.    Their efforts failed when both houses passed the relief bill without it. In a coronavirus rescue package that would [...]

Abortion, COVID-19,United States,Reporting on Rights,News

Virginia Legislature Removes Medically Unnecessary Barriers to Abortion Access

Today, the Virginia General Assembly passed the Reproductive Health Protection Act, which will expand access to abortion care by repealing medically unnecessary restrictions that have made it difficult for Virginians to access safe and legal [...]

Legal Protections,United States,Reporting on Rights,News

Trump Administration ‘Defunds’ Reproductive Health Services Providers in Texas

Yesterday, on the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved a previously-denied waiver request by the state of Texas for federal Medicaid funding to administer a [...]

Abortion, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare,United States,Reporting on Rights,News

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