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Los derechos reproductivos son derechos humanos

Los fundamentos jurídicos de los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres se basan en una variedad de derechos humanos reconocidos por el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Esta publicación delinea diez de los derechos humanos [...]

Abortion, Adolescent SRHR, Censorship, Contraception, Maternal Health,Latin America & Caribbean,Documents

The FDA is Stalling on Contraception

The FDA is poised to remove age restrictions on the emergency contraception called Plan B One-Step by the end of the year. This is a monumental step forward after more than a decade of hard [...]


World AIDS Day

When doctors in India found out that Gita Bai was HIV-positive, they denied her pre-natal care. She soon returned to the hospital when contractions started—and the doctors physically barred her from entering the building. Gita [...]

HIV/AIDS, Right to Care,Reporting on Rights,News

International Women’s Human Rights Defenders Day

For the women and men who provide reproductive health services and fight for women's rights to the full range of reproductive healthcare, every day comes with not just the challenge of doing incredibly important work [...]


International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Thirty years ago, women’s rights activists first marked November 25 as the day on which the world would demand an end to all physical and sexual abuse targeted at women. It took another 18 years [...]

United States, Accountability Bodies, African Human Rights System, Inter-American Human Rights System, European Human Rights System, United Nations,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

In Focus: Uganda

In Focus: Uganda The Center for Reproductive Rights has embarked on a series of new projects in Uganda as part of its wider work in the African region. Working to highlight reproductive rights violations in [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Censorship, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care, Medical Education,Africa, Uganda, Accountability Bodies, African Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

A Girl Who Changed the World, A Victory for Women Everywhere

A Girl Who Changed the World, A Victory for Women Everywhere In 2009, a girl from Peru named L.C. demanded justice. Two years earlier, she needed an abortion—had a legal right to abortion—and was denied, [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,Latin America & Caribbean, Peru, Accountability Bodies, United Nations,In the Courts, At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

Decision: L.C. v. Peru

In a groundbreaking decision issued in L.C. v. Peru—a case brought by the Center for Reproductive Rights and its partner organization in Peru PROMSEX—the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) ruled [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Latin America & Caribbean, Peru, Accountability Bodies, United Nations,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Documents

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Center’s Shadow Letter to the Human Rights Committee on The Republic of Moldova

In October 2011 the Center for Reproductive Rights and the Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (IDOM) submitted a letter to the Country Report Task Forces of the Human Rights Committee. The objective was to encourage [...]

Abortion, Other Barriers, Adolescent SRHR, Sex Education, Contraception,Europe, Moldova, Accountability Bodies, United Nations,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Documents

Organizations Respond to U.N. Special Rapporteur’s Report

Human rights, women’s rights and health organizations released a signed letter this week in support of the report by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Anand Grover, which was presented on October [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,Accountability Bodies, United Nations,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Documents

The UN Speaks Out: Women Must Have the Right to Health, the Right to Decide

Last week, the General Assembly of the United Nations heard a blunt, emphatic message: No longer should the world tolerate the tragic, avoidable deaths of tens of thousands of women forced to seek out unsafe, [...]

Abortion, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care, Maternal Mortality,Accountability Bodies, United Nations,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

Zoom Out: Photos from the Event

The Center is proud to present photos from our Zoom Out event held on October 26, 2011 at the New Museum in New York City. Take a look at all of our fabulous guests and [...]


The Mississippi “Personhood” Amendment: Attacking Women’s Health and Rights

Amid a nationwide onslaught of attacks on women’s health and constitutionally protected reproductive rights, the Mississippi “personhood” amendment, aka Initiative 26, is unquestionably the most extreme. Proponents of recognizing every fertilized egg as a person [...]


Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.