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Christian Science Monitor: Campaign against female genital mutilation gaining ground support, results

Christian Science Monitor: Campaign against female genital mutilation gaining ground support, results By Ryan Lenora Brown "In many parts of the Kween District of eastern Uganda, women are divided into two distinct categories 'There are [...]

Adolescent SRHR, Female Genital Mutilation,Africa, Uganda,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Center in the Spotlight

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation: Center files case on unlawful detention

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation: Center files case on unlawful detention "The Center for Reproductive Rights has Friday filed a case before the High Court of Kenya on behalf of two women who were illegally detained in [...]

Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,Africa, Kenya,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Center in the Spotlight

RH Reality Check: Forced Pregnancy Testing: Blatant Discrimination and a Gross Violation of Human Rights

Forced Pregnancy Testing: Blatant Discrimination and a Gross Violation of Human Rights by Onyema Afulukwe, Legal Adviser for Africa at the Center for Reproductive Rights Earlier this month, news spread of a Louisiana charter school's [...]

Adolescent SRHR, Maternal Health, Coercive Policies,Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, United States,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

AllAfrica: Rwandan Govt Takes Critical Step in Recognizing Women’s Fundamental Human Rights

Rwandan Govt Takes Critical Step in Recognizing Women's Human Rights Affirming the importance of women's access to safe and legal abortion, the Rwandan government has lifted its reservation to Article 14(2)(c) of the African Charter [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections,Africa,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Center in the Spotlight

Al Jazeera: Let them have contraception

Al Jazeera: Let them have contraception By: Manuela Picq "The London Summit on Family Planning is happening on July 11. It is an initiative from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government [...]

Contraception,Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, United States,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Center in the Spotlight

Salon: Imprisoned for giving birth

Salon: Imprisoned for giving birth By Irin Carmon "Only 43 percent of births in Kenya happen in a health facility (for reference, in 2009, 98.9 percent of births in the U.S. took place in a [...]

Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care, Maternal Mortality,Africa, Kenya,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Center in the Spotlight

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.