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Delhi High Court Continues to Stand Up for Pregnant Women

For the second time in less than a year, the Delhi High Court in India has ordered the local state government to ensure that every pregnant woman has access to quality maternity care. Highlighting the [...]

Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care, Maternal Mortality,Asia, India,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News

CRR in the Field: Stephanie Toti & Suzanne Stolz

Since 1992, the Center's innovative legal work has fundamentally transformed the landscape of reproductive health and rights worldwide, and has already strengthened laws and policies in more than 50 countries. CRR in the Field is [...]

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment, Legal Protections,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA), Reporting on Rights,News

2010 State Legislative Wrap Up

In the United States, state legislatures wield enormous power to control women’s access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare services. Each year, anti-choice state legislators propose measures intended to restrict women’s access to abortion, including [...]

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions, Adolescent SRHR, Sex Education, Biased Information, Censorship, Contraception, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Other Financial Barriers, Public Funding, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA), In Washington D.C., Reporting on Rights,News

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