OK Lawsuit Gets Media Attention
Earlier this week the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a challenge against an Oklahoma law which prohibits a woman from getting an abortion unless she first has an ultrasound, is shown the ultrasound image, and listens to her doctor describe the image in detail.
Since then the Center’s legal challenge has captured the attention of various media outlets including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, and ABC News among others.
Take a look at some of the coverage:
New York Times: “Strict Abortion Measures Enacted in Oklahoma”
Wall Street Journal: “Oklahoma Passes Two Laws Intended to Curb Abortions”
CNN: “Oklahoma Senate overrides governor’s vetoes to pass abortion laws”
ABC News: “Okla. Abortion Law: No Exceptions, Even Rape”
Associated Press: “Abortion rights group sues to block Oklahoma legislation”
Agence France Presse: “Anger over ‘unconscionable’ US abortion laws”
Politico: “States Tests Abortion Limits”
Associated Press: “New Okla. abortion law hard on patients”
Rachel Maddow Show: “Invasive OK law skirts constitution with trauma”
The Telegraph: “Oklahoma forces women to have ultrasound before abortion”