New Resource Analyzes Major Policy Outcomes Impacting Texas Latinas in 84th Legislative Session
The Center for Reproductive Rights and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health have released a new resource which analyzes the major policy outcomes impacting Texas Latinas following the 84th Texas Legislative Session.
The Texas legislature made modest advances this session regarding increased family planning funding and improved access to all forms of contraception—gains that will help address the high demand for affordable contraception among Texas Latinas. However, Texas politicians continued their crusade of choking off access to critical reproductive health care services–including passinga measure which could serve as a backdoor ban on abortion for minors and immigrant women by requiring proof of identity and age.
Today’s resource follows the policy agenda published by the two organizations at the start of Texas’ legislative session in January 2015, which outlined proactive policies to end the current health care crisis in Texas and restore access to critical reproductive health care services for millions of Latinas.
The resource also comes a little over a month since the U.S. Supreme Court blocked a ruling from the U.S Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that would have shuttered all but nine abortion clinics in the state–ensuring harmful provisions of Texas’ clinic shutdown law will remain blocked while Texas health care providers ask the nation’s highest court to review the case.
About the Nuestro Texas Campaign
Nuestro Texas is a human rights campaign calling for reproductive health access for all women, without distinction as to geographic location, ethnicity, race, economic class, or immigration status. The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health and the Center for Reproductive Rights launched the campaign in 2012 in response to the devastating 2011 cuts to family planning that resulted in the closure of 82 specialized family planning clinics statewide, and following the release of a fact-finding report documenting the impact of these funding cuts for Latinas in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.