Nancy Northup to Speak at New York City Council Press Conference and Rally
The New York City Council will be hosting a press conference and rally commemorating the 42ndanniversary of Roe v. Wade and supporting the federal Women’s Health Protection Act on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 9:15AM. Later that afternoon, the City Council will be voting on a resolution in support of the Women’s Health Protection Act.
Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, will be among the speakers at the City Council’s press conference and rally.
New York City Council Press Conference and Rally:
The Women’s Health Protection Act and the 42nd anniversary of Roe v Wade
Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 9.15AM
New York City Hall
City Hall Park, New York, NY 10007
Said Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights:
“The City Council’s action in support of the Women’s Health Protection Act builds on New York City’s leadership in guaranteeing and protecting women’s rights and access to essential health care.
“As politicians in the new Congress line up to advance federal legislation attacking reproductive health care, even places that have previously been considered safe havens for reproductive rights face an increasingly serious threat.
“We commend the New York City Council for calling on Congress to ensure all women in this country have equal rights regardless of their zip code.”
The Women’s Health Protection Act—which was first introduced in the 113th Congress in November 2013 and debated before the Senate Judiciary Committee in July 2014— would prohibit states from imposing restrictions on reproductive health care providers that apply to no similar medical care, interfere with women’s personal decision making, and block access to safe and legal abortion services. Elected officials in Austin (TX), Houston (TX), San Francisco (CA) and Dane County (WI) have called for passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act as a way to stem the nationwide tide of restrictions choking off access to abortion services.