Nancy Northup, CRR President, Available to Comment on Kagan Hearings and Abortion Rights
(MEDIA ALERT) The issue of abortion rights has been raised a few times thus far during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Yesterday, for example, Senator Dianne Feinstein questioned Ms. Kagan about the constitutional protection for women’s health in abortion restrictions.
Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, a global legal advocacy organization, is available to comment on how the senators’ questions and Ms. Kagan’s responses comport with abortion jurisprudence.
The Center for Reproductive Rights is the legal arm of the reproductive rights movement, arguing key cases before courts across the country and around the globe, including Gonzales v. Carhart, the most recent Supreme Court challenge to an abortion restriction.
To set up interviews with Ms. Northup, please contact [email protected]