Letter to Slovak Government Re: Amendments to Abortion Law
Dear Honorable:
Prime Minister of the Government of the Slovak Republic, Robert Fico Deputy Prime Minister for Knowledge-based Society, European Affairs, Human Rights and Minorities, Dušan Čaplovič Minister of Health Care, Richard Raši Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Viera Tomanová Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miroslav Lajčák, Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Pavol Paška Chairperson of the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Mojmír Mamojka Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights, Minorities and the Status of Women of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Lászlo Nagy Chairperson of the Committee on Health Care of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Viliam Novotný Chairpersons of the Parliament Caucuses Members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic,
The undersigned organizations and individuals respectfully submit this letter expressing our concern regarding the proposed amendments related to abortion currently under debate in Slovakia. We are particularly concerned with three aspects of the proposed amendments: the mandatory counseling requirement, the waiting period, and mandatory parental/guardian consent requirements for minors. We support the legal and policy analysis of the proposed amendments submitted to members of the Slovak Parliament by Slovak non-governmental organizations titled, Poslanecký návrh novely zákona o zdravotnej starostlivosti a jeho nedostatky z pohľadu ochrany práv žien, by JUDr. Adriana Lamačková, LL.M, Ph.D, which finds the proposed amendments in conflict with women’s rights to privacy, physical integrity and autonomy, confidentiality, health, and non-discrimination.
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