Joint Statement and Call to Action for the Philippine Congress to Examine the Harmful Impact of the Total Criminal Ban on Abortion
Joint Statement for the Philippine Congress to Examine the Harmful Impact of the Total Criminal Ban on Abortion
We would like to draw Congress’ attention to the tragic reality that serious and widespread violations of women’s rights are being committed under the country’s absolute criminal ban on abortion. We believe that the persistent occurrence of human rights violations as a consequence of the criminal ban, and the absence of any legal remedy whatsoever for these violations, underscore the urgency of having a national dialogue on abortion.
We urge Congress not to turn a blind eye to the persistent and widespread occurrence of unsafe abortions, and the recent increase in preventable maternal deaths in the country.
We appeal to Congress to ensure that the Philippines is in line with the global trend of liberalizing restrictive abortion laws in order to respect, protect and fulfill women’s fundamental human rights.
We respectfully call on Congress to seize the opportunity provided by the penal law reform process to lead a public discussion on abortion in the interest of examining the harmful effects of the total ban, tackling what has become a stigmatized public health issue and ensuring justice for women.
Signed and endorsed by the following organizations:
Asia Safe Abortion Partnership (ASAP), regional Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), global EnGendeRights, Philippines Institute for Social Studies and Action (ISSA), Philippines Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), global
To learn more about the Center’s work on abortion laws worldwide, please visit the newly updated World’s Abortion Laws map that visually compares the legal status of abortion across the globe.