Issue: Discriminatory Policies

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Caso Francisca: (F.S.) Violaciones a los Derechos Reproductivos de las Mujeres Viviendo con VIH

En 2002, Francisca decidió tener su primer hijo, pero en la primera etapa de su embarazo la diagnosticaron VIH. Ella tomó las medidas para reducir el contagio vertical al feto y dio a luz mediante [...]

HIV/AIDS, Discriminatory Policies, SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,In the Courts,Publications

Chile Agrees to End Forced Sterilization Practices and Provide Reparations in Case at the IACHR

The agreement provides justice for Francisca--a woman with HIV forcibly sterilized in a Chilean hospital--after a years-long effort by the Center for Reproductive Rights and Vivo Positivo at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

HIV/AIDS, Discriminatory Policies, Maternal Health, Coercive Policies,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile, Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,Story
Filing date: 07.19.2018

Center for Reproductive Rights and National Women’s Law Center v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The Center for Reproductive Rights and the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) filed suit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for refusing to release records related to a new division within the [...]

Legal Restrictions, Contraception, HIV/AIDS, Discriminatory Policies, Right to Care, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,Case

ICE sign-on letter

Discriminatory Policies,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,Documents

Trump Administration’s Unconstitutional Contraception Rules Blocked by Federal Court

Trump Administration’s Unconstitutional Contraception Rules Blocked by Federal Court (PRESS RELEASE) - In a victory for women’s health and reproductive rights, a federal judge in Pennsylvania today blocked the Trump administration from enforcing interim final rules [...]

Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding, Discriminatory Policies, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,News

Over a Half-Million Public Comments from Across the Country Submitted Opposing Trump Administration Rules Threatening Access to Contraception

Over a Half-Million Public Comments from Across the Country Submitted Opposing Contraception Rules Reproductive Rights Groups, Members of Congress and Allies Delivered Massive Wave of Public Comments on Meaningful Impact Contraception Coverage Has Had on [...]

Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding, Discriminatory Policies, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,News

Council of Europe Commissioner Launches New Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Europe

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe—the main human rights watchdog for the continent—released a new report on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. Releasing the report, Nils Muižnieks, the Commissioner for Human [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Contraception, Legal Protections, HIV/AIDS, Discriminatory Policies, Right to Care, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,Europe, Accountability Bodies, European Human Rights System,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News

Statement from Nancy Northup, President & CEO of Center for Reproductive Rights, on yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court order allowing the Trump administration’s travel ban to go into effect pending the legal challenges

Statement from Nancy Northup, President & CEO of Center for Reproductive Rights, U.S. Supreme Court RE: Travel Ban (PRESS RELEASE) - “We are deeply dismayed that the Supreme Court has allowed this discriminatory travel ban [...]

Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding, Discriminatory Policies, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,News

Center for Reproductive Rights Statement on the Commencement of Confirmation Hearings on Alex Azar as HHS Secretary

(PRESS RELEASE) Today, the Senate began its confirmation hearings on Alex Azar for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), President Trump’s choice to fill a post vacated by Tom Price, who resigned following an [...]

Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding, Discriminatory Policies, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,News

New Report: Roma Women Experience Discrimination, Receive Poor Reproductive Health Care In Slovakia

New Report: Roma Women Experience Discrimination, Receive Poor Reproductive Health Care In Slovakia European Union Pledges 500 Million Euros Towards Gender Equality Fund (PRESS RELEASE) Roma women living in Slovakia report facing discrimination, segregation and [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Contraception, Legal Protections, Discriminatory Policies, Right to Care, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,Europe, Slovakia, Accountability Bodies, European Human Rights System,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News