International Health Systems Calculator
Explore how your country’s health system rates on human rights standards in maternal health, abortion, sexuality education, and other areas.

With this tool designed by the United Nations Population Fund and the Center for Reproductive Rights, you’ll be able to access your health system’s performance to see how it aligns with international human rights standards.
The International Health Systems Calculator is designed to help health professionals, government officials, civil society organizations, and human rights advocates access their health systems in a variety of areas to determine where there is room to improve current SRHR programming and policies.
Explore modules on human rights standards in:
Maternal Health
Ensuring health, well-being and dignity during pregnancy and childbirth. Explore the Maternal Health Module here.
Abortion Care
Ensuring access to legal, safe, confidential and respectful abortion services. Explore the Abortion Care Module here.
Sexuality Education
Enabling young people to protect and advocate for their health, well-being and dignity. Explore the Sexuality Education Module here.
. . .and several other health areas.
>> Access the complete International Health Systems Calculator here.
Shareable Toolkit
In addition to the online calculator, a downloadable PDF of the toolkit for advancing human rights-based universal sexual and reproductive health is available in three languages: English, Spanish, and French. Each includes a questionnaire for assessing health system compliance with human rights obligations, practical guidance, resources, case studies, and examples of good implementation.