Expanded Global Gag Rule Is More Dangerous Than Ever
In a reckless move that will have life-threatening consequences for women around the world, President Donald Trump has released details about his expanded Global Gag Rule, which virtually restricts all global health assistance provided by the U.S. federal government.
Trump’s new guidelines will ultimately strip global health programs from $8.8 billion in funding. President and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights Nancy Northup commented on the policy in Rewire, stating:
President Trump’s expansion of the Global Gag Rule is a major assault on those who serve the world’s poorest and most vulnerable women.
This policy does not protect life. It jeopardizes the lives of countless women by withholding critical information and access to the full range of reproductive health care.
This latest attack on women’s health care access is yet another political play by the Trump administration to undermine women’s lives. But this time, it is far more dangerous than previous iterations.
Read the full article at Rewire.