Current and Former Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Leaders Amicus Brief
Amici are 128 current and former prosecutors and law enforcement leaders, and former state attorneys general, federal and state court judges, U.S. attorneys, and U.S. Department of Justice Officials.
The brief argues that the Texas abortion ban, S.B. 8, is a blatant evasion of federal authority and allowing this scheme to remain in place threatens the rule of law. Amici further warn that S.B. 8 creates a vigilante system that will erode trust in, and circumvent the role and obligations of, law enforcement and the American justice system.
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP is pro bono counsel.
This brief was filed in support of two lawsuits at the U.S. Supreme Court challenging Texas’s abortion ban (S.B. 8), Whole Woman’s Health et. al. v. Jackson et. al. and United States v. Texas.