CRR-CLS Fellowship Suspended
Sensing an important need to cultivate new, cutting edge scholarship and teaching on reproductive health, rights and justice, the Center for Reproductive Rights (the Center) and Columbia Law School (CLS) formed a partnership in 2008 and created the CRR-CLS Fellowship program. Designed to support outstanding law school graduates pursuing legal academic careers related to reproductive health and human rights, the CRR-CLS Fellowship has supported 6 exceptional young scholars. The Center has also benefited from a rich relationship with Columbia Law School, and the support of Professors Carol Sanger and Katherine Franke.
At this time, the Center and Columbia Law School have decided to suspend the CRR-CLS Fellowship program. Nevertheless, we remain committed to an ongoing partnership and will evaluate how the Center and Columbia can best support emerging legal academics. Our current Fellow, Lisa Kelly, will remain in residence at both institutions through summer, 2016.
At this time, we are proud to share the achievements of the CRR-CLS Fellows:
Rana Jaleel (2013-15) has accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Women and Gender Studies at UC Davis, where she is also affiliated with the Aoki Center for Critical Race and Nation Studies at UC Davis School of Law. Rana’s broader research interests include international law, global labor, and comparative legal responses to gender and sexual violence and reproductive health. Rana’s most recent article “The Wages of Human Trafficking,” will be published in the Brooklyn Law Review in March, 2016.
Margaux Hall (2012-2014) is an Associate at Manatt, Phelps and Phillips LLP, where she provides regulatory and transactional counsel to a wide array of clients in the healthcare industry, including Medicaid managed care plans, hospitals, and other healthcare providers. During her time in residence at the Center and CLS, she wrote on federal and state healthcare regulatory issues, including those emerging under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Margaux’s most recent publication, “A Fiduciary Theory of Health Entitlements” was published in the June 2014 Volume of the Cardozo Law Review.
Erez Aloni (2011-2013), is an Assistant Professor of Law at Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa, California. His main research and teaching interests address regulation of complex family forms and nonmarital partnerships. His current projects focus on a “menu-of-options” for legal recognition of relationships, legal policies that affect the lives of nonrecognized family units, and promoting redistribution of resources as a goal of family law. Erez recently published “Deprivative Recognition” in the UCLA Law Review which examines what kind of law promotes both cultural recognition and distributive justice for unmarried partners.
Elizabeth Sepper (2010-2012) is an Associate Professor of Law at Washington University Law. In her scholarship, Liz explores the interaction of morality, professional ethics, and law in medicine. In her forthcoming article for the Columbia Law Review titled, “Free Exercise Lochnerism,” she argues that in promoting corporate religious exemptions from employment and consumer protections, litigants, scholars, and courts are resurrecting Lochner v. New York — a case symbolic of the courts’ strike down of economic regulation at the turn of the last century.
Khiara M. Bridges (2008-2010), our inaugural awardee, is now a tenured Associate Professor of Law and an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Boston University. She has written many articles concerning, race, class, reproductive rights, and the intersection of the three. Her scholarship has appeared in the Stanford Law Review, the Columbia Law Review, and the California Law Review among others. She is the author of Reproducing Race: An Ethnography of Pregnancy as a Site of Racialization (2011), and she is currently working on a book about the privacy rights of poor mothers.
For any questions please contact Diana Hortsch, Senior Director of the Law School Initiative at the Center for Reproductive Rights.