Coverage of the Center’s New Report: Defending Human Rights: Abortion Providers Facing Threats, Restrictions, and Harassment
The Center’s recently released report Defending Human Rights: Abortion Providers Facing Threats, Restrictions, and Harassment, which documents a four-month investigation of challenges facing abortion doctors and clinics in six states: Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Texas, has received ample coverage in the press including mentions in the Associated Press, Kansas City Star, Jezebel, CBS news radio, McClathy Washington Bureau, and RH Reality Check.
Nancy Northup, president of the Center, also submitted a letter to the editor to the New York Times in response to an article written about the murder of Dr. Tiller and the need for our federal, state, and local government to recognize abortion providers as human rights defenders.
Karen Leiter, the Center’s human rights researcher and author of the report also authored a blog post on RH Reality Check about the need for a “stronger defense on the right to choose” and the Center’s groundbreaking report. Learn all about the report >, Download the report >, Download the executive summary >,