Contraception Benefit Rolls Out on August 1, 2012
Beginning on August 1, 2012, millions of women across the United States can begin to access a wide range of affordable preventive and reproductive health services for women—including no-copay contraception—thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Celebrate this landmark occasion by sharing our image above with your social networks.
The Center for Reproductive Rights believes that contraception is essential to a woman’s health, empowerment, and equality, and it is a government’s responsibility to ensure access to the full range of family planning services so that women can make free and informed decisions. Now in the U.S., a woman who may have had to choose between paying for groceries or her monthly birth control won’t be forced to make such a choice.
The Affordable Care Act—which was signed into law over two years ago and recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court—vastly expands women’s access to copay-free preventive health care, including cancer screenings, HIV and STI testing, well-woman visits, breastfeeding support, and prenatal and post-partum care and counseling. A complete listing of expanded services can be found at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Our partners at the National Women’s Law Center have graciously allowed us to share their fact sheets with you on how to access these new benefits:
Contraceptive Coverage in the Health Care Law: What Happens on August 1, 2012? >,