Center for Reproductive Rights Letter in Opposition to H.R. 3
Dear Chairman Franks, Ranking Member Nadler, and Members of the Subcommittee:
On behalf of the Center for Reproductive Rights, I urge you to reject the extreme and misleadingly titled “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” (HR 3).
The Center for Reproductive Rights (“the Center”) promotes women’s equality worldwide by securing reproductive rights as constitutional and international human rights. We litigate in state and federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. In addition to our U.S. work, the Center brings groundbreaking cases under international law before the United Nations and regional human rights bodies.
First and foremost, this bill is about interfering with private healthcare choices. It does so by imposing draconian tax penalties on small businesses and middle-class families, by making the harmful and discriminatory Hyde Amendment even more intractable, by encroaching on the private lives of government workers, by heightening a dangerous refusal provision that is at odds with prevailing standards of care, and out of step with international and human rights law, and by undermining important protections for women who suffer life-threatening health conditions.
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