Types: Fact Sheets
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Fact Sheet: SRHR in CERD’s General Recommendation on Racial Discrimination and the Right to Health
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination's General Recommendation No. 37.
Fact Sheet: CEDAW Inquiry into Poland’s Abortion Law (English and Polish)
Available in English and Polish, this fact sheet assesses human rights violations caused by Poland’s abortion law.
Embarazo de niñas y adolescentes, violencia sexual e impunidad en América Latina y el Caribe
Este informe analiza cuatro casos (Norma vs. Ecuador, Fátima vs. Guatemala, Susana vs. Nicaragua y Lucía vs. Nicaragua) presentados por el movimiento Niñas No Madres, del que hace parte el Centro de Derechos Reproductivos, ante el [...]
Teenage Pregnancy, Sexual Violence and Impunity in Latin America and the Caribbean
Through cases filed by the Center and its partners against Ecuador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua before the United Nations Human Rights Committee, this report discusses the regional pattern of girls forced to become mothers due to [...]
Fact Sheet: Laws, Policies and Practices on Abortion in Sri Lanka
Developed by the Center and its partner, the Centre for Equality and Justice (CEJ), this fact sheet examines the laws and practices around abortion in Sri Lanka.
Feminist Foreign Policy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
The Center's report outlining recommendations on SRHR for meaningful Feminist Foreign Policy.
2024-2029: Priorities for EU Action to Advance Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
The Center's report recommending actions by EU institutions to ensure continued progress on gender equality and SRHR.
Decriminalization of Abortion: A Human Rights and Public Health Imperative
This primer demonstrates how decriminalization of abortion is an essential part of states’ human rights obligations and a key step in guaranteeing reproductive autonomy. It also underscores the harmful effects of the continued criminalization of [...]