County of Santa Clara v. HHS
(Revised 9.21.21) This lawsuit challenges the “Denial of Care” rule first issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2019, which changed a component of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in a way that would harm health care access for women, LGBTQ people, and immigrants. The new regulation would invite health care workers – doctors, nurses, EMTs, administrators and clerical staff – to deny medical treatment and services to patients because of personal religious or moral beliefs. Health care facilities that do not comply risk losing federal funding. Because of this, health care facilities may do away with reproductive and LGBTQ services altogether, leaving millions without access to critical health care.
Plaintiff(s): Trust Women Seattle, Hartford GYN, Whitman-Walker Health, Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, Los Angeles LGBT Center, Center on Halsted, Mazzoni Center, GLMA, Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists, Medical Students for Choice
Center Attorney(s): Genevieve Scott
Co-Counsel/Cooperating Attorneys: Jamie A. Gliksberg at LAMBDA Legal Defense and Education Fund, Lee H. Rubin at Mayer Brown LLP, Richard B. Katskee at Americans United for Separation of Church and State, James R. Williams, Greta S. Hansen, Laura S. Trice, Mary E. Hanna-Weir, Susan P. Greenberg, and H. Luke Edward Office of the County Counsel, County of Santa Clara
Summary: We filed our complaint in federal district court on May 28, 2019. The lawsuit argues that the Denial of Care rule is unconstitutional because it advances specific religious beliefs (in violation of the First amendment); violates the patients rights to privacy, liberty and equal dignity as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment. It could also lead to many LGBTQ patients not fully disclosing their identity and medical history for fear of discrimination, resulting in improper or incomplete care. The lawsuit also asserts that HHS violated the federal Administrative Procedure Act in creating the rule by arbitrarily and capriciously failing to consider the impact on patients.
In June 2019, the federal government agreed to delay the effective date of the new rule until at least November 22. Following a hearing in October, the district court granted a permanent injunction on November 19, vacating the rule in its entirety. The federal government filed an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The case has since been stayed as the new presidential administration reviews the rule.
Read More:
- Feature Story: New Trump Administration Rule Will Encourage Discrimination in Health Care, 6.18.20
Legal Documents – Filings:
- Brief of Amici Curiae The American Public Health Association and Experts in Public Health in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees, 10.22.20
- Brief of Leading Medical Organizations as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiff-Appellee, 10.20.20
- Answering Brief of Plaintiffs-Appellees County of Santa Clara, et al., 10.13.20
- Answering Brief of Plaintiffs-Appellees State of California, 10.13.20
- Answering Brief of Plaintiffs-Appellees State of Washington, 10.13.20
- Answering Brief for Plaintiffs-Appellees City and County of San Francisco, 10.13.20
- Motion for Nationwide Preliminary Injunction, 6.1.19
- Complaint, 5.28.19
Legal Documents – Decisions:
- Permanent Injunction, 11.19.19
Press Releases:
- California District Court Joins other Federal Courts in Vacating the Trump Administration’s “Denial of Care” Rule in Full, 11.19.19
- Civil Rights Groups and the County of Santa Clara Urge Court to Block HHS Denial of Care Rule, 10.30.19
- Trump Administration Postpones Denial of Care Rule, 7.2.19
- Lambda Legal, Americans United, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and the County of Santa Clara Ask Court for Immediate Halt to Implementation of Denial of Care Rule, 6.12.19
- Lambda Legal, Center for Reproductive Rights and Americans United Sue Trump Administration to Block Denial of Care Rule, 5.28.19
- HHS Rule Will Encourage Discrimination Against Medical Patients, 5.2.19