Carey v. Maricopa County
In this action, CRR represents Dr. J. Christopher Carey as part of our ongoing efforts to protect the ability of physicians to obtain abortion training, and to perform abortion procedures without undue government interference.
Filing date: , 08/18/2005
State: Arizona
Plaintiff(s): , J. Christopher Carey, MD
Center Attorney(s): , Janet Crepps, Suzanne Novak, Michelle Movahed
Co-Counsel/Cooperating Attorneys: , John P. Mastando, Erin Law, Scott Wagner of WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP
Summary: Dr. Carey served for a number of years as both Chief of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Director of the Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency Program at Maricopa County Hospital in Phoenix. , During that time, Dr. Carey was a steadfast supporter of providing OB/GYN residents with the opportunity to participate in abortion training if they wished, and he spoke out against the efforts of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and others to end those training opportunities. , As a consequence, the defendants removed Dr. Carey from his leadership positions at the hospital. , The suit seeks damages from the defendants on the grounds that they terminated Dr. Carey’s employment because of his support for maintaining abortion training opportunities for residents. The claims in the case are based on violations of Dr. Carey’s rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, anti-discrimination statutes, and tort law.
The case is proceeding in the federal district court for the District of Arizona, it has not yet been set for trial.