(REVISED 6.22.21) This case is a challenge to a North Carolina ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in extremely narrow instances of medical emergency. The case was filed in November 2016 on behalf of abortion providers in the state and their patients seeking abortion care. On June 16, 2021, U.S. Court of […]
(REVISED 1.19.2022) - This lawsuit challenges seven abortion restrictions passed in Louisiana in 2016—including a measure that would triple the state’s mandatory delay for women seeking abortion from 24 to 72 hours and a measure that bans the most common method of second-trimester abortion. This case was formerly referred to as June Medical Services v. Kliebert (2016). The Center for […]
Kenyan High Court Rules Victims of Sexual Violence Have a Constitutional Right to Abortion (Updated 3.18.21) Kenya’s High Court ruled that the Ministry of Health’s 2014 withdrawal of the “Standards and Guidelines for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality from Unsafe Abortion in Kenya” and its subsequent ban on abortion trainings for health care professionals were arbitrary and unlawful. The Court emphasized that the […]
(REVISED 9.21.2021) Florida passed a law in 2015 forcing a woman to wait a minimum of 24 hours and make at least one additional trip to her health care provider before receiving an abortion. The law fails to include any exceptions for a woman whose pregnancy threatens her health or a meaningful exception for survivors […]
(REVISED 4.07.2021) This lawsuit, filed on June 1, 2015, challenges a Kansas law (SB95) banning the most commonly used method of ending a pregnancy in the second trimester—a law that could force some women to undergo an additional invasive unnecessary medical procedure even against the medical judgment of her physician. The law was slated to […]
(REVISED 10.25.2022) This case was a challenge to a 12-week abortion ban passed by the Arkansas Legislature in 2013. The law required that a doctor perform an ultrasound prior to terminating a pregnancy and attempt to detect a “heartbeat.” It then prohibited abortions beginning at twelve weeks of pregnancy if a “heartbeat” could be detected, […]
UN Committee Rules Ireland’s Abortion Laws Violate Human Rights (Updated 03.18.21) In two landmark rulings, the United Nations Human Rights Committee determined that Ireland’s strict ban on abortion subjected women to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. For the first time in response to an individual complaint, the Committee recognized that criminalizing and prohibiting abortion violates international human rights law. The Committee instructed Ireland to prevent future violations by legalizing […]
(REVISED 1.19.22) This case challenges a regulatory scheme that would have gone into effect on November 14, 2011. If enforced, the scheme would prevent the provision of abortion services in any medical establishment that does not meet burdensome and medically unnecessary licensing regulations. Case filed: November 9, 2011 State: Kansas Plaintiff(s): Hodes &, Nauser, MDs, […]
European Court of Human Rights Sets Standards for the Rights of Adolescents to Reproductive Health Services (Updated 04.01.21) The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Poland violated an adolescent’s human rights when her access to a legal abortion after being sexually assaulted was repeatedly obstructed. The Court, for the first, time addressed the special vulnerability of adolescents in need of abortion care and confirmed young people’s […]