Call for Applications—South Asia Reproductive Rights Workshop
In July 2012, the Center for Reproductive Rights will reach the next milestone in its ongoing South Asia Reproductive Justice and Accountability Initiative when it hosts the first South Asia Reproductive Rights Case Development Workshop.
The workshop will bring together lawyers from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka to learn about international and comparative law in reproductive rights, to share experiences and lessons learned through litigation, to develop new litigation initiatives, and much more.
The Initiative will build a network of lawyers in South Asia who will advance women’s reproductive rights through litigation, with a focus on access to contraception and to safe abortion.
Those interested in attending the workshop in July 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal, should learn more about the program and qualifications for attendance and send in an application. A handful of spots still remain, and new applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through the end of April. Organizers of the workshop will cover all expenses for attendees.
Learn more about the Center’s work in South Asia.
Download the detailed call for applications >,>,>,
Download the application >,>,>,