Best Practices for Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health: Submission to U.N. Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health
The Center for Reproductive Rights submitted information to the Independent Expert Review Group (iERG), a four-year panel that is part of the U.N. Secretary General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, on best practices for protecting and promoting the health of women and young people around the world. The Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health has set a goal to save the lives of 16-million women and children around the world. The iERG is responsible for monitoring progress to that end.
The panel has requested insight from organizations and governments on what has worked to improve the health and lives of women and children globally, and what obstacles have arisen.
The Center’s submission specifically focuses on good practices from human rights-based accountability mechanisms to promote and protect women’s and children’s reproductive health, and in particular to secure women’s access to safe abortion. It calls on the iERG to broaden its approach to accountability by recognizing the essential role played by international, regional and national human rights mechanisms in achieving women’s and children’s health.