Announcing Innovation in Scholarship Awardee Kim Mutcherson
2013-2014 Awardee, Kimberly Mutcherson: The
CRR Innovation in Scholarship Award recognizes a distinguished scholar whose
research advances the academy’s understanding of health, women’s rights, human
rights, or constitutional law. This academic year, the award will be presented
to Rutgers School of Law – Camden Professor Kimberly Mutcherson. A long-time
partner of the Center, Professor Mutcherson is an expert in bioethics, family
law, and health law policy, specifically the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. Her scholarly work focuses on issues at the intersection of health law,
bioethics, and family law with a particular interest in assisted reproduction.
Kim’s expertise is a great complement to the Center’s core work, and we are
thrilled to present her with this award.
Learn more about Professor Mutcherson’s and read her full CV >,