Repro Red Flags: Agency Watch

The White House (Executive Office of the President of the United States)

The White House (Executive Office of the President of the United States)

The White House, also known as the Executive Office of the President, provides the President with the support that they need to govern effectively. It consists of several sub-offices and agencies, such as the Gender Policy Council, Domestic Policy Council, and Office of Management and Budget. The Executive Office of the President is overseen by the White House chief of staff, who ultimately reports to the President. In friendly administrations, these agencies meet with members of the public to solicit feedback and determine priorities, including on reproductive rights policies and programs.

Associated Agencies

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

OMB produces the President’s Budget, an important, although non-binding, document that provides Congress with an appropriations roadmap based on the President’s priorities. The President’s Budget provides funding estimates for how Congress should appropriate money for programs like Title X and health law enforcement; the Budget has historically contained anti-abortion riders that the Center advocates for removing. OMB also examines agency programs, regulations, and guidance to ensure that they comply with the President’s policies. For example, OMB conducts “12866 meetings,” in which public stakeholders can provide OMB with information about why it should or should not approve a regulation consistent with the President’s agenda.

Associated Personnel

Executive Actions