About.com: Doonesbury Comic Strip Lampoons Invasive Texas Sonogram Law
By Linda Lowen
“Is your local daily newspaper waging a war on women? If it carries the comic strip Doonesbury, this is your chance to find out. All this week, Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau is featuring the mandated transvaginal sonogram law recently passed in Texas in his storyline to illustrate how this type of legislation hurts women. By highlighting the struggles of those women who will be affected, he hopes to use humor to get the message across. The Center for Reproductive Rights issued this statement on the Doonesbury strip: ‘We need to support the papers choosing to run the real Doonesbury cartoons and call out those that hide behind the alternate strips.’ They’re asking readers to email them at [email protected] and tell them which strip your local paper ran, and spread the word among friends and other social media followers. My local paper supports choice and sensible legislation, they ran the real Doonesbury strip this morning. In comparison to the actual legislation, the Doonesbury Texas sonogram storyline is quite tame. So which version is appearing in your paper?”
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