Abortion Law: International and Comparative Law Supplement
To support and expand the teaching of reproductive health and rights in law school curricula, the Law School Initiative has undertaken a series of regional discussions with law faculty about the challenges of teaching reproductive rights in a traditional law school setting. The Initiative has also worked with Professor Martha Davis to undertake a survey of the teaching of reproductive rights at U.S. law schools and to analyze a range of law school syllabi and casebooks related to reproductive rights.
To advance the understanding of reproductive rights as human rights and help law teachers bring in a comparative and international law perspective, the Center has created Course Modules for six courses that involve reproductive health: Abortion Law, Family Law, Reproductive Rights, Reproductive Technology, Women and the Law and The Undue Burden Standard. Materials were chosen to make it easy for faculty to bring in non-U.S. cases (ranging from Ireland to India to South Africa) and an international human rights legal framework into a discussion of U.S. law. Course Modules are available free to law faculty and can be easily downloaded for immediate use. Teachers interested in receiving a hard copy of these modules should contact Law School Initiative Director Diana Hortsch at [email protected].