The Center at 30: Changing Law, Changing Lives
Since its founding in 1992, the Center has advanced legal protections for reproductive rights in more than 65 countries.
The Center is the only global legal organization dedicated to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide.
The Center for Reproductive Rights was founded to ensure that reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights by governments around the world.
Three decades of work by the Center with its partners have brought stronger legal protections for reproductive rights in more than 65 countries and, in the last 18 months alone, to 2.7 billion people worldwide.
The Center’s 30th year saw remarkable progress in the free exercise of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) around the world, with Latin America’s Green Wave ushering in abortion liberalization in Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina; a landmark ruling in Kenya affirming the constitutional right to abortion; and the Sindh Province of Pakistan improving maternal health care with access to repair services for obstetric fistula.
Though this year also brought a setback in the United States with its regression on abortion rights, the global progress made this year, and in the previous 29 years, has moved us closer to the world where every person participates with dignity as an equal member of society.
With your help, we can get there.
“When you are in it for the long haul, and when you know you are on the right side of history, you can achieve real change where it once seemed impossible.”
–Nancy Northup, President and CEO
We need you with us in 2023
Join us today to help advance reproductive rights around the world.