2021 Sarah Weddington Writing Prize Call for Submissions
08.25.2021- If/When/How, the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice at UC Berkeley School of Law and the Center for Reproductive Rights now invite submissions for the 16th annual Sarah Weddington Writing Prize for New Student Scholarship in Reproductive Rights. More information on how to apply, the length and type of accepted submissions, and on the suggested theme for this year’s prize can be found here. Submissions are due October 22, 2021 to [email protected].
Winning authors will receive cash prizes: $750 (1st place), $500 (2nd place), or $250 (3rd place), and a copy of the textbook Cases on Reproductive Rights and Justice (Murray & Luker). The first-place winning submission will also be granted a “presumption of publishability” and receive expedited review by the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice.
The suggested theme for this year is “Supporting Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice Beyond Roe v. Wade.” Submissions might explore topics that intersect with If/When/How’s strategic initiatives, such as removing barriers to access and supporting those who seek reproductive care outside the clinical setting, combatting criminalization, strategies for securing reproductive rights at the state or local level, and public funding of reproductive health care through an intersectional, reproductive justice lens. All submissions on other reproductive rights and justice topics are welcomed.